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Text File | 1998-08-01 | 13.7 KB | 313 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- I have written a fairly large number of utilities for the Macintosh. I
- myself work in the publishing business, so many of my tools are focused
- on text processing, desktop publishing, font management, etc. Others,
- however, are well suited to any data processing purpose. In general,
- you will find my software useful if you're drowning in data.
- This file provides vectors for the FreeWare and DemoWare versions of my
- software. We'll also discuss how to go about purchasing the full
- implementations of the four products that are not free.
- You can send me Email or Snailmail so long as you understand that I am
- not twins. Support questions are probably better sent to users, since I
- don't come even _close_ to answering all the mail I get. On the
- internet the appropriate mailing lists are good places to start. On
- CompuServe, the DTPForum has a large cadre of users of my software,
- many of whom are very graciously forthcoming with their experience.
- Contact me at:
- gswann@kagi.com
- or
- gswann@mailhost.primenet.com
- or
- Greg Swann
- 3608 West Cochise Drive
- Phoenix, AZ 85051
- These are the FreeWare/DemoWare offerings. All of these are available in
- the DTPForum of CompuServe, but the file names shown here are the names
- used in the Info-Mac archive. These files should be available at any
- Info-Mac mirror site.
- GST-TorqueDemo.sit - DemoWare version of Torquemada the Inquisitor.
- Torquemada is an extremely fast, extremely robust Search & Replace
- engine. Uses a large array of Wildcards to deploy a vast number of
- searches on a huge batch of files. Useful for any text processing/data
- processing purpose. Demo is version 1.1.0. Current shipping commercial
- version is 1.3.0.
- GST-TGhostDemo.sit - DemoWare version of Torquemada's Ghost, a
- scriptable, back-groundable, daemonizeable Torquemada. Useful for any
- text processing/data processing purpose. Demo permits 32 launches, but
- Torquemada's Ghost mirrors the Torquemada the Inquisitor 1.3.0 command
- set, so you can use Torquemada's Ghost to get a feel for Torquemada
- 1.3.0. The commercial version of Torquemada ships with both Torquemada
- the Inquisitor 1.3.0 and Torquemada's Ghost 1.3.0.
- GST-MMWDemo.sit - DemoWare version of Mark My Words. Mark My Words
- converts MS-Word 4.0/5.0/5.1 files to QuarkXPress Tags. Useful for
- Desktop Publishing only. Demo permits 32 launches.
- GST-XP8Demo.sit - DemoWare version of XP8. XP8 cleans up and makes
- QuarkXPress-ready raw text files originating on Mac, DOS and UNIX
- systems. It intelligently reformats paragraphs, cleans up common word
- processor garbage and does the best curly-quote conversion we know of.
- Useful for Desktop Publishing only. Demo is XP8 1.0.0. Current shipping
- commerical version is 1.0.7.
- GST-ASoaK.sit - A Sort of a Kind, a very robust drag & drop sorting
- utility for text files. Accent-sensitive, optionally eliminates
- duplicate entries, etc. Useful for any text processing/data processing
- purpose.
- GST-Caesura.sit - Caesura cuts text files into segments at the point
- you specify. Useful for any text processing/data processing purpose.
- GST-CatSeven.sit - Cat o' Seven Tails is a drag & drop text file
- concatenator. Useful for any text processing/data processing purpose.
- GST-ClipNSave.sit - Clip 'n' Save makes extremely precise, user-defined
- coupons and broken rules, creating Adobe Illustrator or Aldus FreeHand
- files at your option. This software is useful for Desktop Publishing
- only, and only then for users discriminating enough to hate the
- out-of-the-box options in their publishing software.
- GST-ShawBerry.sit - ShawBerry merges two text files at the points
- specified by the user. An example where it might prove useful: a DOS
- user supplies a PRN file of a too-wide spreadsheet. The PRN file has
- the left half of the text at the top of the file, followed by the right
- half. If you split the halves into two different files, you could use
- ShawBerry to reassemble each line of the file. Another example:
- ShawBerry is very useful in connection with PixPex, discussed below.
- Useful for any text processing/data processing purpose.
- GST-FrogPrints.sit - The Frog Prints is a simple drag & drop printing
- application. You drag & drop a batch of text files, and The Frog Prints
- prints each one in sequence. If you double-click on the application,
- and if you have text in the clipboard, The Frog Prints will print that
- text, saving you the launch of a WP when you just want to print some
- text you've copied from a non-printing application. Useful for any text
- processing/data processing purpose.
- GST-PSPort.sit - PSPort creates a copy of a DOS-based PostScript dump
- and removes characters that create problems on Mac-based PostScript
- printers. Obviously, this is mainly useful for Desktop Publishing, but
- PSPort is also a cheap way to get rid of the linefeeds from any
- DOS-based text file.
- GST-PixPex.sit - PixPex creates a files of XTags picture box
- specifications from a drag & drop batch of pictures. These XTags specs
- can then be modified by hand or with Torquemada and merged into a
- standing text file with ShawBerry. Useful strictly for Desktop
- Publishing purposes.
- GST-Randomizer.sit - Inserts random numbers at the front of each line
- in a text file. If you sort the resulting file with A Sort of a Kind,
- the file will be randomized. Includes a Torquemada set to remove the
- random sort keys after sorting. Useful for any text processing/data
- processing purpose.
- GST-SmartClip.sit - Universal case conversion. Takes text off the
- clipboard and returns the converted text to the clipboard. This gives
- you case conversion everywhere you can copy and paste. The conversions
- are very smart, using the same logic used by Torquemada. Won't affect
- <Quark XPress tags> or <html> (or anything within angle brackets).
- Useful for any text processing/data processing purpose.
- GSU-STPDemo.sit - DemoWare version of Shane the Plane. Shane the Plane
- is a very robust file attributes editor. Changes Type and Creator, of
- course, but also permits editing of all Finder flags. Adds or removes
- custom icons. Removes BNDLs from PostScript fonts. Changes the
- Created/Modified dates and times of files. Permits bulk renaming,
- including renaming by means of Search & Replace masks (like (ick!) DOS
- and UNIX, only _loads_ better). The ultimate power user's power tool.
- Demo permits 32 launches.
- GSU-Amanuensis.sit - Amanuensis copies files very quickly. That's all.
- Networked hacks in a hurry will make enemies in a hurry with
- Amanuensis, but the (no)wait may be worth it!
- GSU-BootLog.sit - BootLog is an Extension that logs each boot of the
- Mac it's installed on to a file called BootLog's Log of Boots. Useful
- as a diagnostic tool for SysAdmin types.
- GSU-HexKey.sit - HexKey is a number conversion tool. This is actually a
- programmer's tool, but it may be useful to other power users. Converts
- Decimal or Hexadecimal numbers to 10 other common Macintosh formats. If
- you don't know a Fixed from a Fract, you don't need it.
- GSU-ForkOff.sit - Fork Off is a drag and drop utility that eliminates
- the resource fork from any file that is fed to it. This can be useful
- for saving disk space or easing cross-platform transmission. It will
- eat files of any type, and it is very fast.
- GSU-Ping.sit - Ping enables two or more AppleTalk networked Mac to
- exchange brief messages. This is surely the world's most economical
- NetMail software!
- GSF-FONDetective.sit - FONDetective takes font suitcases by drag & drop
- and writes a text file for each detailing every last bit of information
- contained in each FOND resource in each suitcase. The report is in
- human-readable form (as compared to the FOND TMPL in ResEdit), and the
- detailed information is useful in a number of nerdly contexts.
- GSF-FontFischer.sit - FontFischer is used in conjunction with
- Torquemada, A Sort of a Kind and QuarkXPress to create customized type
- specimen sheets or books. If you're not dissatisfied with Jim Lewis'
- The Type Book, you don't need this.
- GSF-Gaskill.sit - Gaskill will tell you at any given time how many
- fonts you have open (through Suitcase or Master Juggler, for instance).
- The basic rule is, if you gotta ask Gaskill, it's time to close some...
- GSF-PairingKnife.sit - Pairing Knife will take a batch of text by drag
- & drop and do a kerning pair frequency analysis on all of it. The final
- output is a rank-order list of pairs in your actual text. The point is
- this: if you're going to kern, you should kern the paris that come up
- most frequently; this will do the most good.
- GSF-TypeSpec.sit - Type Spectrum is an interactive typeface matching
- game for kids and adults.
- GSF-TypeDisunion.sit - Type Disunion is an Extension that deletes the
- file Type Reunion Data with every boot. I have found that corrupted
- copies of Type Reunion Data are responsible for lots of Mac flakiness,
- so I wrote this to eliminate the problem. If you dont use Adobe Type
- Reunion, you don't need this.
- GSF-Oscar.sit - Oscar the Cat is a companion to Shane the Plane. It
- takes files or folders by drag & drop batch and eliminates the BNDL
- bits and resources from any PostScript fonts it finds. Saves a small
- amount of space and a huge amount of time when opening folders of
- PostScript fonts.
- GSF-Rasputin.sit - Rasputin the Kitten examines every FOND resource
- found in every font suitcase found in every folder delivered to it in a
- drag & drop batch. It reports on any FOND or NFNT numbering conflicts
- found. This is a diagnostic tool useful for cleaning up your PostScript
- font library.
- Torquemada is named after Tomas de Torquemada, the first Grand
- Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition.
- ShawBerry is named after Kip Shaw, a desktop publisher in Delhi, NY,
- because he suggested it.
- Shane the Plane is named after Shane Stanley, a desktop publishing
- consultant in Nar Nar Goon (near Melbourne) Australia, because my
- daughter Meredith said so. Shane has been instrumental in the design
- and testing of everything discussed here plus a lot more.
- FontFischer is named after Roy Fischer, a pre-press professional, who
- paid to have it written.
- Gaskill is named after Phil Gaskill, most famous as co-author of
- QuarkXPress Tips 'n' Tricks, because I wanted to name something after
- him, and because he is easily the world's biggest font snob.
- Oscar the Cat is named after Shane's moderately awe-inspiring cat
- Oscar. There is a snapshot of Shane, his wife Sally and Oscar in Shane
- the Plane.
- Rasputin the Kitten is named after a kitten we had named - oddly enough
- - Rasputin. He peed all over everything and now lives outdoors on a
- farm, where he is welcome to pee all over everything.
- These are my currently shipping commercial products:
- XP8 - a very intelligent file filter that cleans up and makes the
- filthiest text QuarkXPress-ready. Among many other features, it offers
- DOS-file reformatting, financial-text clean-up, garbage disposal,
- typographic quality enhancement, and the best quote conversion we know
- of. The ShareWare version of XP8 (v1.0.0) can be found in CompuServe's
- Desktop Publishing Forum (GO DTPFORUM), Library 5, under the name
- XP8.SEA or in the Info-Mac archives as GST-XP8Demo.sit. The
- current commercial version is v1.0.7 and offers a great many
- enhancements over the ShareWare version.
- Torquemada The Inquisitor - batch global search and replace software
- with wildcards, pattern matching, string substitution, et very
- cetera. With Drag & Drop under Systems 7 or 8, you can run up to 640
- searches on up to 128 files in one batch. Features the most
- intelligent case-conversion we know of. The most-recent FreeWare
- version (1.1.0) can be found under the name TORQUE.SEA in Library 5
- or in the Info-Mac archives as GST-TorqueDemo.sit. The current
- commercial version is 1.3.0, offering a great many enhancements,
- including new "wildthings" and a _lot_ of new User Interface power.
- The commercial version ships with Torquemada's Ghost, a scriptable,
- backgroundable Torquemada. A DemoWare version of Torquemada's Ghost
- is available as TGHOST.SEA in Library 5 or in the Info-Mac archives
- as GST-TGhostDemo.sit.
- Shane the Plane 2.0.1 - file and font attribute editing utility.
- Interactively or in Drag & Drop batches, permits you to change the
- Creator/Type of files, their created/modified dates and times, a
- host of significant Finder flags, plus a lot more. Makes files
- invisible/visible, makes fonts behave like files by removing their
- BNDL resources, batch "pastes" custom icons, intelligently renames
- and/or "slugs" files, et very cetera. A demonstration version (fully
- functional but limited to 32 launches) can be found in Library 12
- under the name SPDEMO.SEA or in the Info-Mac archives as
- GSU-STPDemo.sit.
- Mark My Words - a very elaborate MS-Word binary to QuarkXPress Tags
- text filter. It eats Word 4.0, 5.0 or 5.1 files, interactively or by
- Drag & Drop, and converts the binary to QuarkXPress tagged text. You
- can elect to include or omit any feature of Word's styling, and many
- features can be converted from their WP-like form to their DTP-like
- form (e.g., underscoring to italic). With Em Software's Xtags
- Xtension, picture and text boxes (including Word's tables) can be
- retained. A demonstration version (fully functional but limited to
- 32 launches) can be found in Library 12 under the name MMWDEM.SEA or
- in the Info-Mac archives as GST-MMWDemo.sit.
- (While I've vectored all the files toward CIS and the internet, my
- primary haunt, they are also available on other services, and on any BBS
- which has the most recent version of AMUG's BBS-In-A-Box CD-ROM on
- line.)
- All of these programs are sold on the same terms: (US)$50 each, per
- license. Two to 10 licenses are $45 each. For 11 or more licenses you're
- better off buying a site license. All of this is explained in the
- registration software supplied with this archive.
- Thank you for your interest. We hope to be hearing from you soon!
- Very best,
- Greg Swann